Wednesday, 10 January 2007

Birth Choices

Home Birth

Have you thought about a home birth? It's at least as safe as birth in hospital after a straightforward pregnancy, and there are many advantages to having your baby in your own surroundings. There is a monthly home birth support group in Tower Hamlets where you can discuss your options with other parents who have given birth at home or who are thinking about it. The group meets on the last Thursday of every month, except December, at 45 Norman Grove, Bow, London E3 5EG. 8pm to 10pm. It's free. Partners and children are welcome. If you'd like more information, phone Claire on 020 8980 9580. Otherwise, just turn up.

Birth Centre

On December 3rd, 2007, a Birth Centre will open in Tower Hamlets. It will be midwife-run, and located in the Isle of Dogs. It will be a small and homely centre with a family feel. The birthing rooms will each have a birthing pool, and entonox (gas and air) will be available. These rooms will be used for labour, birth and your post-natal stay, with an en-suite shower room, and sleeping facilities for two adults and a new baby.

The Birth Centre will be staffed by midwives who are experts in normal birth, therefore no obstetricians, paediatricians or anaesthetists will be on site. In the rare event of complications, mothers will be transferred by ambulance to the appropriate hospital.

If you have a straightforward pregnancy and the midwives consider that you are at “low risk” of complications then you may apply to have your maternity care at the Birth Centre. You can ask your midwife, GP, obstetrician or another health professional to refer you, or you can contact the Birth Centre yourself.

Independent Midwives and Doulas

There are independent midwives and doulas operating in Tower Hamlets.

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